Our Projects
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
One of the NGO's primary objectives is to promote and protect health, and the Our Hand For Help staff works diligently in a variety of methods to accomplish this goal. Our group picks needy and unwell patients who are unable to obtain adequate care due to financial constraints, and we then try to offer as much assistance as possible. We run health awareness programs, free medical check-up camps, and offer as much free care as feasible. CareSoul Welfare Foundation wants to provide ongoing help to 100 deserving people who are dealing with a long-term illness and are struggling financially. This area includes supporting the cost of medications and other essentials, as well as normal operations such as dialysis, physiotherapy, and so on.
The power for the Food for the Hungers by the NGO CareSoul Welfare Foundation Affordability of fresh produce and other healthy Food for the Hungers. The Food Bucks programme is being expanded into a statewide initiative in a number of retail locations by the CareSoul Welfare Foundation.
This programme intends to enhance the demand for fresh fruits and vegetables, which will help local healthy food establishments and growers in addition to consumers who buy more fresh produce. A number of independent corner shops and full-service supermarkets across the country have joined with The Food Foundation.
The CareSoul Welfare Foundation introduced School Kit and other Study Materials and School Uniform etc. Will be arranged / provided educational materials by the NGO's to children from economically underprivileged parts of society.
A school bag, notebooks, pens, pencils, drawing books, colours, and compass boxes are among the items in a student's school kit, which varies depending on whether they are in primary, secondary, or upper secondary school. Children from low socioeconomic status families suffer a variety of academic difficulties.
They don't have secure housing, whether it's because of a lack of adequate housing options, the absence of parents, or other grave problems in the home or social environment. for lack of Owing to inadequate early health care, nutrition, and emotional support, kids struggle academically and have low self-confidence and self-esteem. CareSoul Welfare Foundation is eager to give these kids a solid academic foundation and improved learning abilities.
CareSoul Welfare Foundation is the key to freeing the thousands of oppressed women in low-income neighbourhoods all around the Nation! CareSoul Welfare Foundation has an impact on their lives by changing the numerous organisations that support grassroots women and fostering the development of strong, entrepreneurial women who make and market handmade goods.
Together, they give these low-income women job possibilities, enabling them to become leaders and role models in their homes and communities. a campaign that emphasises the rights and empowerment of young people, women, and seniors while aiming to inspire
innovative dialogue for all-encompassing solutions. includes programmes that can have an impact on the social psychology, outreach initiatives, and awareness campaigns.
Women's sense of self-worth, their right to make and exercise choices, access to opportunities and resources, the ability to make decisions that affect their lives both inside and outside the home, and their capacity to direct social change in the direction of a more equitable social and economic order on a national and international scale are all important considerations. In this context, key tools for empowering women and girls to assert their rights include education, training, awareness-raising, boosting self-confidence, expanding choices, increasing access to and control over resources, and taking action to transform the structures and institutions that support and perpetuate gender discrimination and inequality.
Eating is more than just a sensual pleasure. Eating healthily makes life incredibly joyful and greatly enhances goodwill and contented company. The morale is quite important. Everyone has a right to wholesome food.
CareSoul Welfare Foundation came up with the concept to provide meals to those in need as the world struggles with hunger and poverty. Every year, food is given out to those in need who live close to the Tata Hospital, Wadia Hospital, KEM Hospital, Sion Hospital ,Baba Hospital and other Hospitals too and Etc....
The CareSoul Welfare Foundation Program is another initiative by the NGO, which aims at soil and water conservation activities in specific areas allotted to the NGO. They also work towards capacity building and training of the locals and tribal people. Areas of intervention of these NGOs are environmental protection are awareness generation, resource development and documentation, introduction of alternative livelihood, coordination and assistance with various governmental departments, habitat monitoring management and restoration etc. The major Aims and Objectives of the NGO CareSoul Welfare Foundation are: To plan and organize programmes and projects for greening our Mother Earth by setting out plans and projects for greening of mind, atmosphere, culture, wisdom, education, technology as well as development.
AS every living creature on this planet depends on nature for sustenance, environmental protection has become more important than ever before. It is not simply about food, clothes or shelter anymore – it is much beyond that. We are depleting natural resources faster than nature can replenish them. One of the most difficult challenges that we are facing is environmental degradation, resulting from deforestation, pollution, and climate change. Deteriorating environmental conditions have resulted in many other problems such as scarcity of resources, poor sanitation and hygiene, as well as calamities such as floods and droughts. We humans are causing excessive damage to the environment, many of which are irreversible.
Clothes Distribution by the CareSoul Welfare Foundation Giving a person in need a set of clothes is equivalent to dressing Him / Her / Kids etc. with dignity To achieve this to there goal where they are happy we are happy. Giving a person in need a set of clothes is equivalent to dressing him with dignity. To achieve this goal, we provide reusable clothing and apparel to India's most vulnerable children, women, and men of all ages. In order to reach out to more poor and needy people, we distribute these clothing through a network of diverse institutions. They then give the clothing to the designated recipients.
An individual's disability can play a major role in his / her life: whether it's positive or negative. But overcoming the challenges and developing confidence is vital and admirable. As a society, it is our utmost duty to allow people with disabilities to experience a life they deserve. Through the establishment of CareSoul Welfare Foundation Livelihood Resource Centers in major Indian cities, youth with disabilities and the underprivileged receive livelihood training that improves their skill sets and paves the way for a sustainable livelihood and financial freedom. Prioritizing independence is important, particularly when it comes to young people with disabilities with the required mobilization, training, grooming, and confidence-building. CareSoul Welfare Foundation supports the disabled youth and guides them into the workforce so they can live independent lives.
In order to improve the socioeconomic well-being of the rural people CareSoul Welfare Foundation Skilling Centers will established in cities throughout India. While training and skill development help young people improve their skill set, other elements, such as motivational sessions, practise interviews, personality development, volunteer interactions, exposure trips, and so forth, support their overall profile. Persons with disabilities include people who have long-term sensory, physical, psychosocial, intellectual, or other impairments that, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. To communicate in a disability-inclusive manner, we must appreciate that persons with disabilities are part of human diversity. Shift the focus to the person, rather than the impairment.
CareSoul Welfare Foundation is the quality of life experienced by animals and includes an animal’s ability to cope with its surroundings and situations. CareSoul Welfare Foundation is having lots of affaction / Caring about animals and it is the responsibility of the human race to peacefully coexist with animals and treat them humanely and with respect. Across the Nation, the animal community has faced severe hostility and has been subjected to mistreatment, torture, and abandonment by humans. In many countries, there is a problem of unregulated stray animals where they are not taken care of or taken responsibility for by anyone, which leaves them open to all perils of the surroundings.
NGOs CareSoul Welfare Foundation tend to the ill and injured animals. They also conduct a lot of drives and projects for neutering, vaccinating the animals, providing them with other health facilities, and conducting adoption drives. NGOs also actively spread awareness about the importance of CareSoul Welfare Foundation to the public and conduct charity events and fundraisers to finance their expenses.
Every animal is entitled to a good and healthy life, where they can enjoy their well-being benefits. NGOs ensure this through their constant service towards the animals in the society by provisioning them with shelter, medical facilities, and food and nutrition.
NGOs are also actively involved in the fight for animal rights. NGOs CareSoul Welfare Foundation writs files when there are instances of cruelty towards animals in society.
NGO's CareSoul Welfare Foundation work without expectations of profits which causes them to work selflessly . NGO's CareSoul Welfare Foundation
are also involved in spreading awareness about animal cruelty at a larger level. Spreading awareness is one of the ways of advocating for animal rights and taking care about them.
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference
the abused and the helpless.